HxPager #


Basic usage #

Although HxPager is mainly used within HxGrid, you can use it on its own to solve any other paging scenarios.

<HxPager CurrentPageIndex="0" TotalPages="1" />
<HxPager CurrentPageIndex="0" TotalPages="6" />
<HxPager CurrentPageIndex="0" TotalPages="10" />
<HxPager CurrentPageIndex="0" TotalPages="11" />
<HxPager CurrentPageIndex="0" TotalPages="50" />

Customization #

There are several parameters that allow pager customization.


Parameters #

Name Type Description
CurrentPageIndexREQUIRED int Current page index. Zero-based. Displayed numbers start with 1, which is page index 0.
TotalPagesREQUIRED int Total number of pages of data items.
CssClass string Any additional CSS class to apply.
CurrentPageIndexChanged EventCallback<int> Event raised when the page index is changed.
FirstPageContentTemplate RenderFragment Content for the "First page" button. If not set, the FirstPageIcon is used.
FirstPageIcon IconBase Icon for the "First page" button.
LastPageContentTemplate RenderFragment Content for the "Last page" button. If not set, the LastPageIcon is used.
LastPageIcon IconBase Icon for the "Last page" button.
NextPageContentTemplate RenderFragment Content for the "Next page" button. If not set, the NextPageIcon is used.
NextPageIcon IconBase Icon for the "Next page" button.
NumericButtonsCount int? Count of numbers to display. The default value is 10.
PreviousPageContentTemplate RenderFragment Content for the "Previous page" button. If not set, the PreviousPageIcon is used.
PreviousPageIcon IconBase Icon for the "Previous page" button.
Settings PagerSettings Set of settings to be applied to the component instance (overrides Defaults, overridden by individual parameters).

Static properties #

Property Type Description
Defaults PagerSettings Application-wide defaults for HxPager.

CSS variables #

Name Description Default
--hx-pager-margin Pager margin. 1rem
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