SearchBoxSettings #

Settings for the HxSearchBox and derived components.


Other properties #

Name Type Description
ClearIcon IconBase Icon displayed in the input on the selection clear button when an item is selected.
CssClass string Additional CSS classes for the wrapping div.
Delay int? The debounce delay in milliseconds.
InputCssClass string Additional CSS classes for the search box input.
InputGroupCssClass string Custom CSS class to render with the input-group span.
InputSize InputSize? The input size.
ItemCssClass string Additional CSS classes for the items in the dropdown menu.
ItemSelectionBehavior SearchBoxItemSelectionBehavior? The behavior when the item is selected.
LabelType LabelType? The label type.
MinimumLength int? The minimum number of characters to start suggesting.
SearchIcon IconBase Icon displayed in the input when no item is selected.
SearchIconPlacement SearchBoxSearchIconPlacement?
Spellcheck bool? Defines whether the input may be checked for spelling errors.
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